



Established International Language Services Ltd. (ILS)

Japanese language instructor at a language school in Tokyo.

Bachelor of Arts, Japanese language and cultural studies, Gakushuin University.

Assistant Japanese language instructor, Monash National University, Australia.

Yoga, Hawaiian lomilomi (, pilgrimages to Shinto and Buddhist sites throughout Japan.

Teaching Japanese cooking classes and conversational dining Japanese.

Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage Instructor and Therapist

Lomi yoga Instructor

ー Greeting ー

International Language Service was established in 2000 for the purpose of offering effective and practical Japanese language lessons to foreign businesspersons.


I have always felt that a wall between foreign countries and Japan existed. This was due to the small doubts and confusion, I constantly heard from foreigners. “There is a large difference between Japanese thinking and continental thinking”, “Japanese use indirect ways to convey messages and use ambiguous expressions”, “Europeans and Americans express themselves using very different gestures” were a few of the comments that kept coming up. Sometimes this confusion developed into big misunderstandings. I felt that trivial events or misunderstandings in daily life created the impression that Japan is a mysterious, incomprehensible, and strange country.


The uniquely Japanese way of thinking can be difficult to understand or to examine, yet it is the essence of Japan, with its respect towards another person or aversion towards conflict. It is a culture aimed towards communication that creates harmonious relations, reflects the Japanese sense of beauty and outlook on life, worship of nature, and may other things. Foreigners who live in this different culture, often find it difficult to understand the unique Japanese way of thinking and set of values, and this sometimes causes great stress.


However, I came to realize a need for foreigners to know there are reasons why such a uniquely Japanese culture arose, influenced by a complex history. By knowing these reasons, foreigners can deepen their understanding of Japan from just a mysterious, incomprehensible, and strange land, to having an appreciation for the profound culture embedded in this unique country.


Our mission is to provide Japanese language lessons which incorporate communication based on a firm understanding of Japanese culture, and we hope to act as a bridge between Japan and foreign countries to disseminate understanding among people from all over the world.


It has been over 20 years since our company started, but we realize our small company has a big mission to accomplish: to provide engaging lessons which introduce Japanese language and culture to people from around the world.

Currently, we provide a wide variety of content in our lessons on Japanese language, culture, custom, and business manners to more than 80 companies. We also customize our lessons based on client goals, needs and business requirements.

Some of our clients include foreign-affiliated companies, Japanese companies, embassies and a variety of other corporations and individuals.

Our instructors and staff continue to exert our fullest efforts to be of service to meet the needs and expectations of clients.

We hope you will take this opportunity to further deepen your understanding of Japan though our offerings.


International Language Service


President (Founder and CEO)
Tomoko Sugino


それまでの日本語教育経験の中で、常々外国の方々から聞いていた「日本的な考え方と大陸的な考え方の大きな違い」、「日本人の遠回しなメッセージの伝え方や曖昧な物言い」、「欧米諸国とは違うジェスチャーや表情などの表現方法」など、小さな疑問や戸惑いが大きな誤解へと発展し、これらが諸外国と日本との間の壁を生み出すことを日々感じていました。 日常の些細な出来事や誤解がミステリアスで不可解な、そして摩訶不思議な国、日本という印象を作り上げていくことに歯がゆさも感じていました。



気が付けば10年以上、小さな会社ではありますが、大きな使命感に溢れ、日々日本語、日本文化を世界の方々に紹介すべく、熱いレッスンを提供しております。 現在までに約80社以上の外資系企業、日本企業、大使館にお勤めの外国人社員や大使の方々に、日本語、日本文化、日本のビジネスマナーなど多岐にわたる内容の授業を提供しております。



代表取締役社長 杉野 知子

Company name
International Language Services
Tomoko Sugino
Head Office
Marunouchi Trust Tower Main 20F 1-8-3 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-0005
(+81-3-5288-5350 from overseas)
Established in
* Please have a look at this brochure. こちらのパンフレットもご参照ください。
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